Search Basics


The search tool can be accessed any time by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner and selecting “Search” from the drop-down menu. The search tool will overlay the view you are currently on and you will not lose any work.

Tags can be used to narrow your search. Using a tag, you can search by items such as tune, author, copyright, hymn, or prayer. When you click on the search field, a list of tags will appear under the “Narrow your Search” section (as shown below).


Definitions for Tags:

# Filters by Type. It narrows your search to just hymns, prayers, liturgy, Propers, or readings
topic: Hymns are assigned to one or more topics. The primary topic (see category below) is shown above the hymn in the Pew Edition and all topics are indexed on pages 993–997 or can be found on the Info page for each hymn in Lutheran Service Builder
tune: The hymn tune is a unique name assigned to the melody. Many hymns in LSB share the same melody while using different words. The tune can be found below the hymn in the Pew Edition (right-aligned), and an index can be found on pages 1013-1017.
meter: The metrical scheme by which a hymn can be sung. The numbers represent the number of syllables in a single phrase of the hymn. A hymn's meter can be found just below the tune name in the Pew Edition, and an index (with explanation of abbreviated meters) can be found on pages 1007–1012.
liturgy: Narrow by elements drawn from a specific Order of Service or Rite.
author: Search by author, hymn text writer, or music composer.
copyright: Search by the name of a copyright holder.
holiday: Search by elements that are assigned to or suggested for a specific day of the Church Year.
series: Search by Propers that are assigned to a specific Church Year (A, B, C, or 1)
category: The primary topic assigned to a hymn, as found above the hymn in the Pew Edition. (category reflects how it’s grouped in the printed hymnal)

Tags need to be typed exactly and with correct spelling to work; when this is done, the tag and the search word will be highlighted in green.


Multiple tags can be used as well, to further refine your search. The example below uses three different Tags (in red) and would help you find the given Collect for a specific Proper.

                  holiday:"Proper 11" series:C #prayers

The search panel in other views limit what can be searched for and which tags can be used. For example, in the search panel for “Add Reading”, only tags that apply to readings can be used to search.