The ability to have multiple users is essential for churches that have multiple people working together to plan a service. Having multiple users allows each person to have his or her own username instead of sharing a username with multiple people.
Presently, there are no permissions in Lutheran Service Builder, but account Owners' have some additional privileges that regular 'Users' do not have. Each account must have at least one Owner. The 'Owner' can invite other users, accept or decline requests to join the account, add locations, manage the other users, and manage all content in Lutheran Service Builder. A regular 'User' can only manage all content in Lutheran Service Builder and cannot view account settings.
Here is how to add a new user:
- Click on the settings icon in the upper right corner.
- Select “Account Settings”.
- Under the Invitations section, click "New invitation" and enter the email address of the new user. An email will then be sent to that person inviting him or her to create a username.