With a subscription to The Concordia Organist, you can create a playlist of music for your service and play it from a speaker. The Playlist view is available at all times, but you will only be able to download the audio files if you have a current Concordia Organist subscription. Your playlist will be available after you have planned the service, selected all hymns, and added all liturgical elements.
The Playlist view is very similar to the Bulletin and Presentation views: the view is broken up into three parts, with a toolbar at the top that has the same tabs and options as the Bulletin and Presentation views. This toolbar has one additional button, though. When you click on an element with an audio file, an “Include” button will appear. Clicking this button will allow you to select whether the audio clip will be downloaded. In addition, you can choose which stanzas to play for each hymn, and the downloaded audio file will only play the selected stanzas.
The left side of the Playlist view is a table of contents that lists all the elements in the service. Elements with an audio file will be bolded and have a play icon next to the name. Clicking this icon will play the audio clip. The center section of the view is a preview of the element that is selected. The right side is a search panel that will appear when you select an element.
You can export the playlist from the “Document” tab at the top of the view. This will download a .zip file that includes all the audio files you selected. Downloading may take some time depending on the number of audio files selected. In addition, a .m3u file will be present. This is a playlist file that will automatically open an audio player and create a playlist of all the audio files.
Here is how to create a playlist:
- From the Service Plan view, select “Prepare Playlist” in the upper right corner.
- Elements with an audio file will be bolded. Select each element to choose whether to include its audio file in the download.
- Select each hymn to choose which stanzas to include.
- To download the audio files, select the “Document” tab and click “Export”.
- Open the .zip file. You can play the audio files in any media application.