Exporting an Element Directly


Some users prefer to copy and paste resources directly into already created bulletins or presentations instead of creating each service in LSB. Others may just need to look up and export an element without having to create a whole new service.

To copy or export a single element,

  1. Go up to the gear icon in the upper right corner of your site.
  2. On the Search view, type in a resource's number or phrase into the search bar to the left and press the Enter key.
  3. From the search results, click the element to view a preview in the center of the page.
  4. Select the version you'd like to export or copy. Elements may have multiple tabs above the preview including text, melodies, alternatives, or other info. For melody tabs, a play button will appear that can be clicked for an audio sample.
  5. To the lower right, click the Choose Stanzas button (if applicable) to choose the stanzas you'd like to include in your export.
  6. From here, choose whether you want to download a .docx, .rtf, or .html file of the element, print from the browser directly, or copy the element to your computer's clipboard.

7. If selecting an element with a copyright, a pop-up will appear to indicate a resource's usage. Use the drop-down menu to choose the service this element will be used for.

    • If you do not have a planned service, choose the "New service on....." option. If you choose this option, enter the date this resource is going to be used.

8. Use the drop-down menu to select how many times this resource will be used for In-Person worship if prompted.

9. Click Continue to copy the resource to your clipboard. If you cannot paste an engraving directly into an older version of Word, please visit this FAQ.