Taylor B
Activity overview
Latest activity by Taylor B-
Taylor B created an article, Why am I not able to accept an invitation? [FAQ]
We at CTS have found that, for some reason, the Firefox browser does not like the invitation links from Builder and can lead to an annoying loop where you accept the invitation but does not open in...
Taylor B created an article, What if I submit the wrong number of times a Service Plan is used for In-Person Worship? [FAQ]
When using Builder, it's important to report on how many times a service plan using LSB available content will be used for in-person worship, so the correct royalties for the copyright holders of t...
Taylor B created an article, What if I only want to use a single hymn or element? [FAQ]
You can copy or export a single element from the global search. For specific steps on how to export an element directly, please visit our article here. To maintain reporting integrity as closely as...
Taylor B created an article, What should I put for In-Person Worship Usage? [FAQ]
Users will need to report on how many public, non-virtual services the material will be used for by indicating the number of In-Person services on the Service Plan view. Those numbers will then be ...
Taylor B created an article, Sunsetting LSBHymnLicense.net for reporting hymn usage [FAQ]
In previous years, users without a Lutheran Service Builder subscription would need to report their hymn usage by logging into LSBHymnLicense.net and submitting their usage there. In 2023, the LSBH...
Taylor B created an article, Reporting Hymn Usage Manually
Lutheran Service Builder allows users with only a hymn license to manually report their hymn usage through the software. For users with an LSB subscription, usage reports are automatically generate...
Taylor B created an article, Why am I getting a message to "indicate resource usage" when copying or exporting? [FAQ]
Online Lutheran Service Builder uses an automatic reporting system to calculate the use of elements. When searching for a hymn or other element, you can select a search result and either export or...
Taylor B created an article, Exporting an Element Directly
Some users prefer to copy and paste resources directly into already created bulletins or presentations instead of creating each service in LSB. Others may just need to look up and export an elemen...
Taylor B created an article, Why is there a field for in-person usage in my service plan? [FAQ]
One of Online Lutheran Service Builder's features is the automatic reporting of hymn and element usage, without having to visit another site. This setting is for reporting usage which determines ro...
Taylor B created an article, LSB2 Support Ending [FAQ]
As the world’s technology continues to improve, it also means that old technology slowlybecomes outdated. One of these is Lutheran Service Builder 2, an application predating the currentOnline Luth...