The Element Tab


In the bulletin and presentation views, a third tab will appear in the navigation when an element is selected. This tab offers a variety of options that are specific to the type of element that is selected. For example, selecting an Introit will display options to show pointing, choose a different template, and even choose a specific psalm tone. All elements have the option to turn on and off captions and text and to move and delete the element.

Here is how to use the element tab:

  1. In either the bulletin or presentation view, select an element of the service. The element tab will automatically be selected in the top navigation and options will be displayed there.
  2. Selecting the caption button will hide or show the caption and subcaption of the element.
  3. Click “Text” or “None” to hide or show the text of the element.
  4. The template drop-down and turn options will appear as drop-down menus and will display all types provided by Lutheran Service Builder and those in My Worship Resources.

Use the Move and Delete icons to move or delete the element.

